Monday, September 12, 2011

Wizardry 1 - Completed!

After an epic trip to the bottom of the dungeon, I met Werdna and his vampire friends.
The first time I was here, I was met by 2 Vampire Lords, 4 Vampires & Werdna himself,
who cast Tiltowait (the biggest damage spell there is) two times in a row and wiped out the party.

I had to then level up the reserve team (by this time I had a full roster of twenty characters), and
used a magic dagger to change a fighter into a thief then into a ninja.

Going back, Werdna's friends seem to have deserted him, there was only Wedna, 1 vampire lord
and 1 vampire.  To make it even easier, Werdna kept casting a spell to dispell undead on my party,
which of course had no effect.

I then loaded up Wiz2 and had a quick look at it, I was surprised to find that my characters went
back to level 1, I thought that they kept their levels.  Oh well, at least I still have a ninja for the
sequel.  I've decided though to play another game first and come back to wiz2.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Since last posting, I have been playing Wizardry pretty much to the exclusion of all other games.  It's not easy.  

The main issue is the constant autosave after every battle.  If one of your characters dies it battle, it's saved instantly.  You then have to either proceed back to town, where the temple has a 80% or so chance of bringing him back to life, or cast a spell which has a 50% or so chance of bringing him back to life.  If this fails, you character is turned to ash, which requires a further donation to the temple to bring him back to life - but there is yet another chance of failure, which causes your character to be DELETED forever, along with all his items.  

If you party gets wiped out in the dungeon, you can mount a rescue party to go and fetch them, however I've found that by the time my rescue party is strong enough to get to the original party, they are of a similar level anyway.

I currently have two parties trapped on level 10 of the dungeon, and a third stuck on level 4 in a series of rooms without exit (I hope to rescue them later with the teleport spell), and yet another party involved in training up for a rescue mission (they are only level 5 or so at the moment)